Despite the advances made over time in Bridge Management Systems (BMS), many state DOTs face challenges in developing, implementing and maintaining data-driven, risk- and performance-based management at a system level. While most agencies have succeeded in establishing processes to maintain inventory data and manage the inspection process, many still struggle to utilize their BMS to help support decision-making utilizing available data while considering the risk and performance implications of their investment decisions.
This scan will help identify common features and approaches being used by agencies to successfully use BMS within the overall transportation asset management context. Particular attention will be given to examination of leading practices for predicting future bridge condition and developing deterioration curves. The Scan Team will investigate agency practices and case studies that illuminate such concerns as (1) data collection and management, (2) performance measure tracking and reporting, (3) use of component- and element-level data to track and forecast bridge condition, (4) usage of BMS data to convey condition information, and (5) agencies’ knowledge transfer strategies to sustain staff qualified to operate their BMS.
Implementation and Impact
TRB hosted a webinar based on the outcomes of this scan entitled, Bridge Management Systems for Strategic Asset Management. To view the slides or obtain a copy of the webinar recording, visit the webinar page on the National Academies website.
Scan chair, Chad Allen, provided perspectives on the scan outcomes:
Scan Members
- Chad Allen, City of Seattle DOT, Scan Chair
- Kevin Marshia, Vermont AOT
- Richard Runyen, Pennsylvania DOT
- Chester Kolota, Maine DOT
- Paul Vaught, Louisiana DOTD
- Eric Christie, Alabama DOT
- Todd Springer, Virginia DOT
- Felix Padilla, Florida DOT
- Scott Neubauer, Iowa DOT
- Rebecca Curtis, Michigan DOT
- Edward Lutgen, Minnesota DOT
- Mike Johnson, Caltrans
- DeWayne Wilson, Montana DOT
- Derek Constable, FHWA
- Basak Bektas, Minnesota State University, Subject Matter Expert
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