Original Scope: Current technology advances and deployments of automated vehicle technologies using Automated Driving Systems (ADS) have the promise of significant system safety and operational improvements as well as equity and mobility opportunities to address current, unmet needs. However, these rapidly available solutions and applications also pose challenges for Infrastructure Owners and Operators (IOOs) who seek guidance as the learning curve is steep, risk tolerance is low, and they must deal with constrained resources. Many transportation organizations are currently exploring the testing and deployment of automated and connected technologies and, specifically, Automated Driving Systems (ADS).
The organizational capacity and readiness for AV and ADS deployments varies greatly between state DOTs. Through this scan DOTs and IOOs will know the methods, barriers and opportunities associated with automated technology testing and pilots that are needed. This scan will examine a representative sample of ADS tests, pilots, and deployments that have been notably successful to explore the institutional and management changes credited for the success and to extract lessons that can inform other agencies’ development.
This scan will help IOOs understand how to approach planning, financing, programming, policy development, risk management, safety management, equity analysis, infrastructure readiness and system operation in ADS deployments and applications. The results of this scan will be of interest to all DOT leadership but specifically to the AASHTO Committee on Transportation System Operations, AV Task Force Community of Practice (COP) and the CAV Inter-committee Working Group.
Implementation and Impact
Scan chair, Tara Olds, provided provided perspectives on the scan outcomes:
Scan Members
- Tara Olds, Minnesota DOT, Scan Chair
- Nick Hegemier, Drive Ohio
- Brian Kary, Minnesota DOT
- Inderpreet Singh, Caltrans
- Joanna Wadsworth, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
- Blaine Leonard, Utah DOT
- Dongho Chang, Washington DOT
- Sarah Searcy, North Carolina DOT
- Christine Shafik, Florida DOT
- Carole Delion, SME
Workshop Participants
- Caltrans
- Colorado DOT
- Florida DOT
- Georgia DOT
- Maryland DOT
- Minnesota DOT
- New Jersey Transit
- North Carolina DOT
- Ohio DOT
- Pennsylvania DOT
- Texas DOT
- Utah DOT
- Washington State DOT
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