Original Scope: Intermodal corridor management strives to match the right services to meet demand at the least social and economic cost while maximizing the return on previous and future investments in infrastructure and services. As a management concept, intermodal corridor management builds on the principles of multimodal corridor planning, integrated corridor management and active traffic management. It recognizes that multiple modes can satisfy a variety of travel demands within a corridor, and that most movement of people, goods, information and services in a corridor involves movement between modes.
With scarce funds available for transportation system preservation, safety, operations and capacity additions, all modes must provide more than just choice—they must deliver performance. To identify successful strategies that have been used to implement intermodal corridor management, this scan examines practices in DOTs, MPOs and other jurisdictions where corridor management has been taken beyond the concept of integrating technical operational capabilities to optimizing the potential contributions for a variety of modes within corridors.
Implementation and Impact
Following the scan workshop in October 2015, the scan team worked at the state, regional, and national levels to advance scan findings. Highlights of these activities include:
- The scan team presented the findings from the scan to a number of national-level and even international audiences. Examples include TRB Committees on Statewide Multimodal Transportation Planning, Strategic Management, and Managed Lanes. The scan team also presented the results of the scan at the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations, ITS America, and ITS Malaysia.
- The scan team also disseminated the findings of the scan to state and regional-level audiences including Virginia DOT’s Transportation Planning Research Advisory Committee, ITS New York, and the MAASTO Annual Meeting.
- This scan informed the development of an RFP for an NCHRP research project entitled, Guidance for Planning and Implementing Multimodal, Integrated Corridor Management.
Scan team members and participants presented the scan findings in a series of two webinars detailed below.
Webinar 1 (Corridor Visioning; March 6, 2017):
Presentations can be found here: slides [PDF]. See below for the webinar recording.
Webinar 2 (Multi-modal Complete Systems; October 12, 2017):
Presentations can be found here: slides [PDF]. See below for the webinar recording.
Scan Members
- Jean Wallace, Minnesota DOT, Scan Chair
- Brian Hoeft, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
- James Lambert, University of Virginia
- Kari Martin, Michigan DOT
- Neil Spiller, FHWA
- Steve Takigawa, California Department of Transportation
- Lynn Weiskopf, New York State DOT
- Brian Smith, AICP, Subject Matter Expert
Workshop Participants
- Arizona DOT
- City of Scottsdale, AZ
- Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
- Florida DOT
- Hampton Road Transportation Planning Organization
- Maricopa County DOT
- Maryland State Highway Administration
- Massachusetts DOT
- Mountainland Association of Governments
- New York City DOT
- North Carolina DOT
- Oregon DOT
- San Diego Association of Governments
- Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization
- Utah DOT
- Virginia DOT
- Wasach Front Regional Council

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