Original Scope: Many jurisdictions have implemented strategies to improve traffic flow by using new technologies and management techniques. Agencies recognize the importance of inter-jurisdictional coordination with other agencies, timely communication with the public, and the detection and response provided by traffic management centers. Pulling these elements together through Integrated Corridor Management is essential to successful system management, but challenges remain. This scan examines successful practices in Integrated Corridor Management.
Implementation and Impact
At the conclusion of the scan in summer of 2014, team members recognized the value of a significant product of the scan: a Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for Integrated Corridor Management. Transportation professionals in government and industry can use the CMM to evaluate their organizations’ ability to deploy an ICM program and to identify areas for improvement. Scan presentations and follow-up activities have addressed this model and its potential to help advance ICM.
Additional highlighted scan activities follow.
- The scan findings were used to develop the problem statement for NCHRP Project 03-121, Incorporating Freight, Transit, and Incident Response Stakeholders into Integrated Corridor Management (ICM): Processes and Strategies for Implementation.
- Several scan team members developed and presented a national webinar, cosponsored by the National Operations Center of Excellence, that featured the scan outcomes: Integrated Corridor Management: Scan Findings, Updates, and Next Steps.
- 2015 TRB Annual Meeting committee meetings included a number of presentations and discussions of scan findings. These led to the development of a TRB Annual Meeting workshop on Decision Support Systems for Transportation Systems Management and Operations.
- Scan members made state and regional presentations, presenting findings and lessons learned at the ITS America/AASHTO Transportation Systems Management and Operations Subcommittee Annual Meeting; the ITS World Congress; a New York Statewide Statewide Regional Traffic Engineers meeting; an ITS Wisconsin meeting; a Southern California ITS Stakeholders meeting, and other state and regional meetings.
Scan Members
- Dhanesh (Dennis) Motiani, New Jersey DOT, Scan Co-chair
- Robert Sheehan, FHWA, Scan Co-chair
- Nicholas Compin, California DOT
- Anne Reshadi, Wisconsin DOT
- Neil Spiller, FHWA
- Brian Umfleet, Missouri DOT
- Todd Westhuis, New York State DOT
- Ahmad Sadegh, Schneider Electric, Subject Matter Expert
- Kevin Miller, Schneider Electric, Subject Matter Expert
- Michael Wright, Arora and Associates, PC, Scan Coordinator
Regions/Corridors Visited
- Dallas, Texas
- Minneapolis–Saint Paul, Minnesota
- New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania
- Phoenix, Arizona
- San Diego, California
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