Original Scope: Such issues as climate change, livable communities, sustainable development, and volatile fuel prices have increase public demand and legislative support for better coordination of transportation investment and land use management. Transit-oriented developments (TODs) are being promoted in many jurisdictions as a specific way to address many of the issues. This scan explores how TODs are designed to accommodate the parking needs of commuters who do not live within the TOD or the municipality in which the intermodal transportation facility is located.
Implementation and Impact
The Scan 10-02 Transit-Oriented Development Peer Exchange Final Report [PDF] documents the May 2014 peer exchange sponsored and organized by the U.S. Domestic Scan Program to further disseminate the scan project findings and stimulate expanded use of TOD strategies nationally.
Team members, representatives from other state DOTs, and local partners in transit agencies and metropolitan planning organizations addressed aspects of DOT involvement in TOD, including the potential benefits of TOD to DOTs, the role of state DOTs in TODs, and effective TOD partnerships.
Local and state transportation organizations nationally can use the peer exchange report to prompt DOT involvement in TOD and as a resource for connecting with other TOD professionals around the country.
Scan Members

(Left to right)
- Charles R. Carr, Mississippi DOT
- Connie Morrison, Subject Matter Expert
- Sharon Edgar, Michigan DOT, Scan Co-Chair
- Michael J. Connors, Connecticut DOT
- Dylan Counts, Washington State DOT
- (Not pictured) Jila Priebe, California DOT
The prospectus above includes a membership roster with contact information.
Sites Visited
- Boston
- Denver (reverse scan location)
- Los Angeles/South Pasadena
- San Diego
- San Francisco/Oakland
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