Original Scope: Transportation agencies have sought to understand the business risks associated with right-of-way and other land acquisition to support decision making about corridor management. The purpose of this scan is to investigate how metropolitan planning organizations, state departments of transportation, and other transportation agencies have used risk-based forecasting and related analysis to address these issues.
Scan Members

- Marsha C. Fiol, Virginia DOT, Scan Chair
- Jerri Bohard, Oregon DOT
- Matthew W. DeLong, Michigan DOT
- Charla Glendening, Arizona DOT
- Charlene Kay, Washington State DOT
- Polina Knaster, New Jersey DOT
- James H. Lambert, University of Virginia, Subject Matter Expert
- Shital Thekdi, University of Virginia, Assistant to Subject Matter Expert
The prospectus includes a membership roster with contact information.
Sites Visited
- California DOT
- Florida DOT
- Georgia DOT
- Minnesota DOT
- Montana DOT
- New Orleans Regional Planning Commission
- North Carolina DOT
- Pennsylvania DOT
- Utah DOT
- Washington State DOT
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