Original Scope: While codes and regulations governing design, construction, operation and maintenance of most other highway facility components have been promulgated by AASHTO and FHWA, this has not been the case for tunnels. Recent events have brought considerable attention to this fact, and the need to develop national standards for roadway tunnels has recently been recommended by the National Transportation Safety Board. This scan addresses the need for national tunnel standards and a national tunnel inventory.
Scan Members
(Back row, L to R)
- Louis Ruzzi, Pennsylvania DOT
- Michael G. Salamon, Colorado DOT
- Jesus M. Rohena, FHWA, Scan Co-Chair
- Mary Lou Ralls, Ralls Newman, LLC, Subject Matter Expert
- Melissa Jiang, Arora and Associates, Scan Coordinator
- Barry B Brecto, FHWA
- Kevin Thompson, Caltrans, Scan Co-Chair
- Fulvio Tonon, University of Texas at Austin
(Front row, L to R)
- Alexander K. Bardow, Massachusetts Highway Department
- Bijan Khaleghi, Washington State DOT
The prospectus includes a membership roster with contact information.
Sites Visited
- Alaska DOT (webinar)
- California DOT
- Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel District
- Colorado DOT
- Disctrict of Columbia DOT (webinar)
- Massachusetts DOT
- Pennsylvania DOT (webinar)
- Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
- Seattle DOT
- Seattle Fire Department
- Sound Transit, Seattle
- Virginia DOT
- Washington State DOT
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