Original Scope: Nationally, the requirement to consider “fiscal constraint” has proved problematic for many Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and State DOTs. Since this is an emerging practice, all participants need to feel comfortable and need to be able to explain to the public the process and calculations necessary to provide a true financial picture of long-range transportation plans and short-range Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs (STIPs). This includes the new requirement for using “Year of Expenditure” dollars for TIPs, STIPs, and MTPs and the option of using “Cost Bands and Ranges” for the out years of the MTP, as well as the requirement to demonstrate that the existing transportation system can be adequately operated and maintained.
This scan considered how state and metropolitan agencies address institutional and technical issues when identifying and applying fiscal constraints to modify their highways system plans.
Scan Members
(Pictured L to R)

- Thomas W. Clash, Subject Matter Expert
- Jeanne Stevens, Tennessee DOT
- Timothy A. Henkel, Minnesota DOT, Scan Co-Chair
- Tracy Larkin-Thomason, Nevada DOT
- Ben Orsbon, South Dakota DOT
- Michael Wright, Arora and Associates, Scan Coordinator
- W. David Lee, Florida DOT
- Harlan Miller, FHWA, Scan Co-Chair
Sites Visited
State and metropolitan transportation agencies in:
- New York
- Vermont
- Kansas
- Missouri
- Colorado
- Texas
- Washington
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