Original Scope: Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials have been researched and demonstrated in structural applications for more than 25 years. Among transportation agencies, FRP materials have been used for bridge decks, beams, piling, buried structures, concrete reinforcing, and post-tensioning, as well as for repair and strengthening of existing structures. However, FRP has been used little as a primary structural material.
It is reported that other industries and agencies—notably the U.S. Navy—are studying and using FRP more extensively. The purpose of this scan is to inform the transportation industry on successful applications of FRP within DOTs as well as techniques that may be appropriate/adaptable for DOT use.
Implementation and Impact
- The FHWA has developed a three part web-based course with content informed by Scan 13-03: “Bonded Repair and Retrofit Of Concrete Structures Using FRP Composites.”
Following the scan workshop in the summer of 2015, the scan team worked at the state and national levels to advance scan findings. Highlights of these activities include:
- The team members presented findings from the scan to several AASHTO audiences. Examples include the Western Bridge Preservation Partnership, the Committee on Bridges and Structures, and the technical committee (T-6) on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites.
- The scan team also made presentations at international conferences such as the International Bridge Conference, the International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, and the Composites and Advanced Materials EXPO.
- Several members presented findings to state-level audiences. including the New York State Local Bridge Conference, the New York section of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a Florida DOT’s Halls River Bridge – FRP Workshop, and a University of Buffalo engineering class called “Emerging Technologies in Bridge Engineering.”
Scan Members
- Wayne Frankhauser, Maine DOT, AASHTO Chair
- Jamal Elkaissi, FHWA
- Steven Kahl, Michigan DOT
- Stacy McMillan, Missouri DOT
- William Potter, Florida DOT
- David Rister, South Carolina DOT
- DeWayne Wilson, Washington State DOT
- Jerome O’Connor, University at Buffalo, Subject Matter Expert
- Li Melissa Jiang, Arora and Associates, Scan Coordinator
Sites Visited
- Harbor Technologies and Kenway (Maine)
- AIT Bridge Systems (Maine)
- Maine DOT
- University of Maine
- Florida DOT
- University of Florida
- Michigan DOT
- Lawrence Technological University
- Oregon DOT
- Washington State DOT

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